Skayline / Haninge


Luigi Valente
Haninge, Sweden
City of Haninge

Located to the east of the town of Haninge, next to the lake Övre Rudasjön, the project area is characterized by Nynäsvägen street, one of the main streets of the town, that crosses the area spliting it in two parts.
The use of the area to the west of the street makes the project area a narrow block 600 meters long.
The project is intended to isolate the block from the street yet preserving the viability and conformation of the street itself.
Designed like the skyline of a city that takes shape on the horizon.
The ground floor will be interely used as a commercial area (shops), accessible by Folkparken street, while the first floor will be partly commercial (there will be restaurants), partly residencial (private apartments). From the second floor on it will be only residential.
Skyline is divided into three buildings, mainly of three floors each, with towers that rise along the line with varying heights, up to a maximum of 14 floors.
At the moment there is no accurate analysis of the degree of residential develop- ment of this area, which is why the alternation of high and low towers makes the system flexible to the needs that will arise.
Innovative and eco-friendly materials will be used and that will make the com- mercial and residential complex sustainable from the energy point of view.

All rights reserved © Luigi Valente Architetto, Via Machiavelli 49 - 00185 Rome \ \ Site by Uprising